Lets join forces and make it happen

For our community to contribute through ideas, actions and funding - we are launching the EBS Impact Fund to support innovative initiatives and projects that significantly impact the fund's focuses.

Our focus fields are:

Haridus 4 ENG
Ettevõtlus 4 eng

Our cooperation helps ensure the stable development of society and better environmental protection

The stable development of society and the maintenance of a healthy environment affect everyone. Every contribution counts, but more can be achieved together. Especially when those with greater opportunities cooperate. Then one plus one is not just two, but something much more. 1 + 1 > 2

EBS alumnus Martin Villig has made a call to the successful ones – to donate 5% of earned (annual) profits to charity. Charitable donations can certainly include investments in projects whose benefits are not always reflected in the investor's personal income. Such projects can create something much greater, something big and valuable for the public. Instead of 5% of annual profits, I would suggest that 0.5% of the net assets of the donor's family would be an appropriate annual donation amount. Net assets are a significantly more stable target than company profits and encourage donation decisions primarily within the family. Companies can enhance donations with the consent of the majority of their shareholders.

Since we at EBS believe that one plus one is more than two, we want to make more responsible decisions. For us, responsible means a decision-making process that considers the long-term impact of decisions (including on future generations), fairness, and private and public benefits. Responsibility is thus conscious and intentionally taken. At EBS, we have adopted the term "responsible community" for this.

To involve like-minded people and grow a responsible community, EBS has created the EBS Impact Fund, focusing on educational innovation, private and public sector cooperation, and new school infrastructure.


You can participate in the work of the fund by supporting the fund financially or by applying your knowledge and skills.

MTÜ EBS Mõjufond

In the payment explanation, please indicate which focus area of ​​the fund you support or leave it up to EBS.

I am ready to participate in the fund's projects

We send an overview of the fund's activities to the fund's supporters on a quarterly basis.