Smart and Efficient Nation

The education sector operates in cooperation between the private sector and the public sector. It is clear that learning creates both private gain for the learner and public benefit for society. Differences of opinion arise when asking whether public and private educational institutions should be treated equally in offering learning opportunities. The EBS Impact Fund finances research and activities aimed at achieving a situation where private and public higher education institutions are treated more or less equally in Estonia. This has already been achieved at the primary and doctoral levels. We believe it is possible also at the Bachelor's and Master's levels. With the help of the Impact Fund, we gather like-minded individuals, conduct research, and fund activities aimed at improving the involvement of private capital in the Estonian education sector and better utilization of sector resources.  


You can participate in the work of the fund by supporting the fund financially or by applying your knowledge and skills.

MTÜ EBS Mõjufond

In the payment explanation, please indicate which focus area of ​​the fund you support or leave it up to EBS.

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